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Chronic Pain Coaching Melbourne

This is true patient centred care and can be done by both our Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists. 


Pain coaching is exactly how it sounds, we walk alongside you as you discover ways to manage and improve your individual circumstances. We don’t do things to take away your pain. We coach you to take action and manage your challenges yourself, for lifelong and sustainable change. 

Pain coaching is exactly how it sounds, we walk alongside you as you discover ways to manage and improve your individual circumstances. We don’t do things to take away your pain. We coach you to take action and manage your challenges yourself, for lifelong and sustainable change. 


This is true patient centred care and can be done by both our Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists. 


All of Evolving Pain therapists have had extensive experience coaching our people back to living. We do this by working within your world, and acting as a sherpa assisting you on your individual mountain. For change in the human biome to occur we need to challenge the status quo. We know this can be really scary, so we approach this with upmost compassion, sensitivity and respect to your circumstances and capacity


Part of this journey involves you getting you in the drivers seat, buckling up and taking you on an adventure. Let’s be sure to have some fun along the way, and find the light behind the shadows,  even in the darkest of days. With a curious and creative lens we explore novel movement and sensory motor patterns in an attempt to break existing neural networks, than can be well-meaning but unhelpful at times. 


We work in an integrative, embodied way, reconnecting and re-establishing you into your world, respecting the relationship between both mind and body.

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