The PolyVagal Theory (PVT)
The PVT has become an increasingly popular theory to explain bodily symptoms (such as ongoing pain, stress, fatigue) after psychological...
The PolyVagal Theory (PVT)
Being gentle with yourself (the hermit crab metaphor)
What's in your Pain First Aid Kit?
Is there a chronic-pain diet?!
Challenges of Rehab: Scaffold Building
Stocking Fillers for the Holiday Season
Who is the actual star of the lion king?
Debunking the 17th Century Theory of the Mind & Body
Starting to think about DIMs and SIMs
Friend or foe?
Muscular Hypervigilance and Pain: Understanding the Connection
The Passengers on the Bus Metaphor
Understanding Different Types of Pain
Building your Toolbox: Pacing/Boom-Bust Patterns
Building your Toolbox: Learning to Look After You
There is nothing wrong with being a unicorn...
Debunking lower back pain...